This procedure for making the baraban drum with a cymbal [baraban z talerzem] was produced by Piotr Baczewski, as a result of his participation in the 2nd Master School of Folk Instruments Makers, a programme of the Institute of Music and Dance in Warsaw.

Wersja do druku


This procedure for making the baraban drum with a cymbal [baraban z talerzem] was produced by Piotr Baczewski, as a result of his participation in the 2nd Master School of Folk Instruments Makers, a programme of the Institute of Music and Dance in Warsaw.

Piotr Baczewski studied instrument making with Jan Wochniak, as part of a one-on-one course conducted by the master between 1 February and 30 April 2013 at his workshop in Kłudno.

Jan Wochniak (b. 1946) is Poland’s leading baraban drum player. He has performed with Marian Pełka, Stanisław Stępniak, Wiesława Gromadzka, Stefan Kołazinski, and many other folk musicians. Currently, he forms a band with Aleksander Krupa (Polish accordion) and Michał Kapturski (violin). Jan Wochniak is also an experienced maker of smaller and bigger frame drums, and baraban drums. His creations are used by Piotr Piszczatowski of the  Janusz Prusinowski Trio.

Piotr Baczewski (b. 1983) is a photographer and coordinator of projects related to traditional culture. For the past 4 years he has been documenting the musical traditions and craft of the Polish countryside, in particular of the region of Mazovia (Mazowsze), as well as the areas of Lublin and Kielce.

The biographical notes have been developed based on workshop documentation. They have been edited and translated by the Institute of Music and Dance in Warsaw.

Photo by Piotr Baczewski – workshops on the construction of the basy of Radom held as part of the 1st Master School of Folk Instruments Makers in Kuźnica with the participation of Piotr Sikora and Michał Maziarz.

Master School of Folk Instruments Makers


Wybór dokumentacji audiowizualnej, będącej efektem działań prowadzonych przez Narodowego Instytutu Muzyki i Tańca od 2010 roku.