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On 8 October 2015, the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage launched the 5th edition of its Collections programmeComposing Commissions 2016-2017 priority. The programme is implemented by the Institute of Music and Dance.

The priority strives to support the creation of contemporary music by commissioning new compositions and providing conditions conducive to their lasting presence in the public space. The fundamental goal of the priority is to bolster the role of new music as a vital medium of social communication and to include contemporary compositions in the transformations of modern culture, including presentations of those works in the context of such issues as the redefinition of high culture, changing roles of artists and audiences, or the impact of new media and technologies on the musical language and reception of music. Another crucial idea behind the priority is to utilise new musical works as a tool of cultural and artistic education, a means of popularisation of contemporary music among non-professional audiences (including children and youth), a platform of contact with the composer, and a way to learn more about the creative process, from the idea through composition and performance, thus challenging the stereotypical image of contemporary music as a hermetic concept.

The 5th edition of the Composing Commissions Regulations preserves the changes introduced to its 4th edition at the request of the musical milieu, including:

1) Two variants of dissemination of a commissioned work in the form of publication of orchestral materials online (to be selected by the Applicant depending on whether the composer creates them on their own or supplies them via their publisher or duly authorised third parties). In the first variant (A), the division of funds remains unchanged. In the second variant (B), the proportions according to which funds are divided has been changed from 60:40% (composer : remaining costs) to 50:50% and from 50:50% to 40:60% (compositions for more than 45 performers). Variant B has also been supplied with the possibility to rent parts from publishers or composers for a fee which constitutes a qualified cost.

2) The support includes the subsidisation of one or two repeat performances of a commissioned work (optionally) on condition that it is performed by the same artists in different cities.
The change provisions more repeat performances of newly commissioned works and the establishment of new relations between festivals and ensembles. As a result of the extension of the number of performances of a commissioned work as part of the subsidy, the maximum sum total which a given applicant may request is PLN 152,000.00 (in the event of commission, world premiere and two repeat performances of a given work). This extension refers solely to the additional performance-related costs and will not result in the increase of composers’ fees.

Detailed description of the Regulations of the 5th edition of Composing Commissions may be found in the Introduction to the programme.

Applications for the Composing Commissions priority may be submitted by state- and local government-run cultural institutions, non-governmental organisations, churches and religious organizations, state colleges of arts and private schools of arts, as well as business entities.

The budget for the priority in 2016-2017 has been set at PLN 2,000,000.

The deadline for the submission of application is 30 November, 2015.