The Ministry of Culture and National Heritage of Poland launched the Collections Programme – Priority Task Composing Commissions on 21 December 2012. The implementation of the priority task was assigned to the Institute of Music and Dance in Warsaw.
The priority task aims to support the creation of new musical works by way of a system of commissions and to facilitate continuous presentation of these new works to the public. Essentially, the priority task is to increase the prominence of latest music as a medium of social communication and to make contemporary music pieces part of the ongoing process of cultural change, in particular presenting them in the context of redefinition of “high” culture, shifting roles of creator and audience, or the influence that new media and technologies exert on musical language and reception of music. New music works will be used as a tool of cultural and artistic education, to popularise contemporary music among non-professional audiences, including children and adolescents, and to give listeners an opportunity to interact with the composer and get to know the process of creating music – from the idea, to writing the score, to performance – and this way to do away with the stereotypical hermeticism of contemporary music.
Entities eligible for applying for support under the priority task are central and local culture institutions, non-governmental organisations, churches and registered faith communities, and entities that run business activity.
The priority’s total budget for 2013-2014 is PLN 2 000 000.