This film documents performances by artists who led the workshops for bagpipers held in Zbąszyń on 1–3 May 2012, as part of the 2nd Master School of Tradition, a programme of the Institute of Music and Dance in Warsaw.

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This film documents performances by artists who led the workshops for bagpipers held in Zbąszyń on 1–3 May 2012, as part of the 2nd Master School of Tradition, a programme of the Institute of Music and Dance in Warsaw.

The artists:

Jan Prządka kozioł weselny, violin
Bernard Kasperkozioł weselny
Władysław Mazur –  clarinet
Bernard Frącek – clarinet
Henryk Skotarczykkozioł weselny

Workshops organised by: The Association of Folk Musicians in Zbąszyń

fot. Ewa Sławińska-Dahlig


Wybór dokumentacji audiowizualnej, będącej efektem działań prowadzonych przez Narodowego Instytutu Muzyki i Tańca od 2010 roku.